
For those interested in growing your own Oregano Thyme, here are some useful facts, benefits, caring tips and uses for you:
- Methods of Propagation - Seeds, root division, cuttings, layering
- If the plant dies, pour soil over it and it might regenerate.
- Likes alkaline soil and full sun
- Roots should not be allowed to stay wet. It just needs little water.
- Can be used as a garden carpet. Smells good if you step on it
- Use it as tea and treat hangover
- Treats bronchitis and flatulence
- Helps with painful menstruation
- Good antiseptic (mouthwash & toothpaste) and deodorant
- Good flavoring for poultry, beef and egg. Good for salads too
- Retains flavor in slow cooking
- Treats minor injuries
- Can be used as perfume, soap and potpourri
- Harvest throughout the year
- Keeps moths and lice away
- Good for athletes foot and hemorrhoids
- As oil, will be good for rheumatism and general aches and pains
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