This whole adventure started when I was delivering
Alkaline Water in the neighborhood and I saw a
Mango Plant in a Pot. All of a sudden, I am reminded of an old dream to have my own mango plantation and retire there in the midst of all those trees. I am a tree lover, you see.

Before you know it, I was researching on
mango grafting, care and propagation. But will I translate it to action? Here's the answer. I took two mangoes from the ref and ate them. Well yes, eating is the first part. Then I brushed the fibrous shell and dried them. After a couple of days, I used my favorite serrated knife to pry open the dried shells. It was the first time I saw an honest to goodness mango seed! Amazing considering how many mangoes I must have eaten in my lifetime.
Then as I read in a lot of anecdotes, I got the seeds, placed them on water saturated tissues and put them inside an airtight sandwich bag. After making sure the key parts were getting wet, I placed the bag outdoors because I read that these have to be in a hot place. A week or so later, true enough, I saw the beginning of what could be a root. Imagine that!
After a couple more days, against better judgment (I should have left them longer), I got my gardening soil and planted the seeds in our backyard. For experimentation purposes, I planted one in a pot and the other straight in the ground. As I've also read, I exposed part of the
mango seed in the air and I make sure the soil is fairly moist all the time.
Will it grow? Only time can tell.
Hi Chris! I don't spend too much time promoting my site as Trek Advertising does it for me :) But on average I would say I spend about 20 min a day responding to emails, dealing with my small advertising business or adding content to my blog.
Wow, that's not a lot of time at all. By the way, how much do you end up spending in Trekpay?