Just for fun, I moved all the bedding and the food on one side of the container. I left the worms with a little bedding and leaves and then I added a lot of crushed eggshells (for grit, or so I've read). I'll check if they're still alive tomorrow. I'm afraid the crushed eggshells might feel like broken glass. Imagine slithering on broken glass. But hey, maybe worms are different. We'll see.
As an oddity though, you'd find that the most common term you'll read when describing the ideal bedding is "wrung-out sponge". I don't know why. I think people are too liberal when lifting from the net. Anyway, the weird thing is that I kept spraying the bed (there were ants outside and I wanted to discourage them from entering the bin) and the water kept sliding down one side (I don't know...uneven flooring probably). Now I didn't have drainage so the moisture was collecting. Guess where I found most of the worms? In the wettest part of the bin. The bedding there had certainly more water than a "wrong-out sponge", but hey, if they like it there, I'll keep wetting it for them. What's your experience in this regard?
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